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Check out news around green jobs and sustainable companies!

Promoting Sustainable Cities through Urban Agriculture

Promoting Sustainable Cities through Urban Agriculture

Have you ever bitten into a juicy tomato and wondered where it came from? What if I told you it might have been grown right in your neighborhood? Welcome to the world of urban agriculture, where city dwellers are transforming concrete jungles into thriving food oases. In this post, we'll explore how urban farming is revolutionizing our approach to sustainability, one rooftop garden at a time. What is Urban Agriculture? Urban agriculture is the practice of growing, processing, and distributing...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

6 minutes
Saving Energy as a Developer

Saving Energy as a Developer

Did you know that 25% of global greenhouse emissions come from electricity production? And here's a mind-blowing fact: the Internet alone is responsible for 3.6% to 6.2% of global electricity use! As a software developer, you might think your impact on these numbers is minimal. But guess what? You have more power than you realize to make a difference. In this post, we'll explore 10 innovative ways you can contribute to lower energy use through smart coding practices. Let's dive in and see ho...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

6 minutes
10 Climate Jobs that are in High Demand and Pay Well

10 Climate Jobs that are in High Demand and Pay Well

As the world continues to face the challenges of climate change, there is an increasing demand for professionals dedicated to finding solutions and promoting sustainable living. From renewable energy engineers to environmental policy experts, a wide range of careers in the climate change industry are in high demand and offer competitive salaries. 1. Renewable Energy Engineer: These professionals design, develop, and maintain systems for generating renewable energy, such as solar panels and wi...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

3 minutes
The Potential of Green Building Design

The Potential of Green Building Design

Green building design, also known as sustainable or high-performance building design, refers to designing, constructing, and operating buildings in an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient manner. This approach to building design considers the entire life cycle of a building, from its conception to demolition, and aims to minimize the built environment's environmental impact while maximizing its occupants' health, comfort, and productivity. The potential of green building design ...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

2 minutes
Why Do We Need Carbon Capture?

Why Do We Need Carbon Capture?

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has the potential to play a significant role in mitigating climate change. This technology involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and other industrial facilities, and storing them underground in geological formations such as depleted oil and gas fields. By preventing the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, CCS can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of global warming. Despite its potential, however, t...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

4 minutes
Why Join Green-Tech Startup?

Why Join Green-Tech Startup?

Are you thinking about joining a green-tech startup? If so, you're in good company. Many people are drawn to the exciting and innovative world of startups, and the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment is a big part of what makes green-tech startups so appealing. But what can you expect if you decide to join a green-tech startup? Here are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, working at a green-tech startup can be a great way to make a positive impact on t...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

2 minutes
The Future of Graphene: Innovative Uses of the Material You Probably Didn't Know About

The Future of Graphene: Innovative Uses of the Material You Probably Didn't Know About

Graphene is a miracle material with an array of potential applications, from electronics to biomedical engineering. Invented in 2004 and first isolating in 2010, graphene is the thinnest and strongest material ever discovered. It’s also the most conductive substance known to mankind. There are currently more than 3,500 patents related to graphene; its versatility makes it applicable to almost any industry. This article explores some of the innovative ways that graphene is improving our world....

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

7 minutes
Exploring Ecological Future of Housing: A Sustainable Solution or Pipe Dream?

Exploring Ecological Future of Housing: A Sustainable Solution or Pipe Dream?

The world is facing a housing shortage. As a result, the cost of housing has increased in most cities and home ownership is now out of reach for many people. Governments, developers, and architects are rethinking how we design and build homes to meet the needs of our growing global population while also reducing our carbon footprint. This renewed focus on sustainability has led to the emergence of a new kind of buildings dubbed “Ecological Houses” or “Eco Houses” that integrate natural elemen...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

6 minutes
Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture: How The AI Revolution Is Changing Farming

Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture: How The AI Revolution Is Changing Farming

Today, farming is undergoing a digital revolution. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies are helping farmers produce more crops with fewer resources, avoid disease and other risks more easily, and meet consumer demand for sustainably grown food. With the use of AI-assisted precision agriculture, for instance, farmers can now monitor the performance of their crops in real-time and adopt techniques that reduce stress on plants, increase yields, and enable them to plant di...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

8 minutes
5 Important Ways You Can Help Fight Climate Change

5 Important Ways You Can Help Fight Climate Change

Image: Freepik Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. The Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by around 1 degree Celsius over the past century. It’s estimated that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase at this rate, the planet will be 4 degrees warmer by the end of this century. This would lead to disastrous consequences for humans and wildlife everywhere. Humankind must take action now, to avoid a catastrophic future filled with droughts, fa...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

5 minutes
7 Energy Storage Technologies You Should Know About

7 Energy Storage Technologies You Should Know About

Energy storage is the key to unlocking renewable energy and removing the grid limitations of solar and wind. Energy storage helps utilities and grid operators manage peak demand, prevent blackouts, reduce CO2 emissions, and integrate renewables. Electricity cannot be stored in a straightforward way like water in a tank or oil in a barrel; there are many more complex ways of storing it that involve conversion into another form of energy (e.g. thermal energy) or using other methods such as mech...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

9 minutes
Future Energy Sources: The Best Options to Keep Us Going After Fossil Fuels

Future Energy Sources: The Best Options to Keep Us Going After Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels have been the main source of energy for entire history of human civilization. And they still are. But their supply is limited, which means that one day they will run out. When it happens, humanity will have to find new sources of energy. Fortunately, we already know what those new sources will be: renewable energy and other non-fossil fuel alternatives. The question is how soon we manage to transition from old to new energy sources, before the world runs out of oil, gas and coal....

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

5 minutes
5 Ways We Can Slow Down Climate Change With Carbon Capture Technologies

5 Ways We Can Slow Down Climate Change With Carbon Capture Technologies

Photo by geralt on Pixabay ‍ Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. It’s a complex problem that stems from many different sources and is often challenging to understand. But it’s not impossible to tackle; Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies are promising methods for slowing down climate change. CCS is a group of methods, processes, and devices that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from exhaust streams of fossil-fuel power plants or other CO2 s...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

9 minutes
The Future of Food: How to Feed a City in 2050

The Future of Food: How to Feed a City in 2050

If you think the world of food is changing now, just wait until 2050. The UN predicts that by this time, there will be 70% more city dwellers than there are today. In addition, demand for food will continue to grow with the world’s population set to hit 9 billion people by the end of this century. Therefore, cities will need to come up with new solutions on how to feed their inhabitants. In this article, we take a look at some of the most interesting trends that are coming our way in the area...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

6 minutes
7 Ways To Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals

7 Ways To Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals

Image Source: Flickr ‍ The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people can achieve their potential. The world will be watching closely over the coming years as we continue to implement the 2030 Agenda. So what can we do to make sure we stay on track? There are so many different things that need to be done in order for us to achieve the SDGs. Each one of them seems almost impossible but if we work together, ...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

6 minutes
People of Greentech #1 - Perfect Day

People of Greentech #1 - Perfect Day

Welcome to the "People of greentech" - a blogpost series where we interview people working at various green-tech companies. We're starting with Perfect Day, a consumer biology company using precision fermentation to create a climate-positive food system, starting with animal-free, nature-identical dairy protein. Through three business units across B2B ingredients, consumer brands, and enterprise biology, Perfect Day is working with partners around the world to recreate the foods we love in a ...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

4 minutes
What Is a Green Job?

What Is a Green Job?

You may have heard the term "green jobs", but are you sure you know what does it mean? According to ILO (International Labour Organization), a green job is one that contributes to preserving or restoring the environment: “Green jobs help: • Improve energy and raw materials efficiency • Limit greenhouse gas emissions • Minimize waste and pollution • Protect and restore ecosystems • Support adaptation to the effects of climate change” All jobs in the future will need to be green jobs to meet ...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

4 minutes
Future of Transportation

Future of Transportation

Years ago, we were promised to have flying cars. It’s 2022 and it’s still not a thing. But… What about rethinking what we believed in for years would be the best solution for cities cramping more and more? 1. Public transport — many kinds of research have shown that the easiest way to improve transportation in the city is making public transport more affordable and cheaper. The cheapest kind of it would be to create dedicated bus lanes and optimize their schedule. Then we have all kinds of ...

Matt Kozak

Matt Kozak

2 minutes