We're Twelve, the carbon transformation company—a new kind of chemical company that makes things from air, not oil. Our breakthrough technology eliminates emissions by transforming CO2 into critical materials, products and fuels.
When it comes to addressing climate change, carbon isn’t our nemesis. To the contrary, we see carbon as the element of change. Carbon isn’t just the building block of life, it’s the building block of the chemicals, materials and fuels that make up our modern world and power innovation. From the spring in our running shoes to our favorite electronics, to building materials, electric car parts and fuels, carbon makes it possible. The problem is we get this carbon today from fossil fuels in the form of petrochemicals, which creates CO2 emissions and accelerates climate change.
Carbon transformation fundamentally changes this paradigm by sourcing carbon from CO2 instead of fossil fuels. By replacing the fossil carbon in critical chemicals with renewable, recycled carbon from CO2, we can eliminate emissions from thousands of essential products and set a new standard for how things get made in the climate era.