Making energy simpler, cheaper, greener.
Bulb is a startup energy supplier that provides 100% renewable electricity and gas to homes and businesses across the UK. We offer energy at a fair price, that’s simple to get and simple to manage.
We are building a truly innovative independent energy supply business in the UK. Building a passionate team of people that want to do energy differently.
We make energy simpler – so we make your life easier. You can switch to Bulb in 2 minutes. We've got one, simple tariff for all. And you can speak to a human when you have a question.
We make energy cheaper – so we help you save money. We invest in technology to reduce costs. And we pass savings on to our members.
We make energy greener – so we help protect our planet. We provide 100% renewable electricity and 100% carbon neutral gas to all our members as standard.
And we're constantly looking to improve. By listening to our members we want to make the whole energy industry better.
Bulb is a startup energy supplier that provides 100% renewable electricity and gas to homes and businesses across the UK. We offer energy at a fair price, that’s simple to get and simple to manage.
We are building a truly innovative independent energy supply business in the UK. Building a passionate team of people that want to do energy differently.
We make energy simpler – so we make your life easier. You can switch to Bulb in 2 minutes. We've got one, simple tariff for all. And you can speak to a human when you have a question.
We make energy cheaper – so we help you save money. We invest in technology to reduce costs. And we pass savings on to our members.
We make energy greener – so we help protect our planet. We provide 100% renewable electricity and 100% carbon neutral gas to all our members as standard.
And we're constantly looking to improve. By listening to our members we want to make the whole energy industry better.